Sheep of Wrath (The Beginning)


Because the Maltese Blogoshere was created so that what we write might actually be read even if we do not have a column on a Sunday newspaper.


A student censored by ambition, thirsty for power, hungry for change and excited by anonymity.


Whenever I am alone. Whenever there is something worth writing about. Whenever I am not busy having sex, studying, or working as a real journalist.

3 Responses to Sheep of Wrath (The Beginning)

  1. Welcome (?) and good luck. Looks like some good work here… then again you probably won’t need an endorsement otheriwse I get to be Martin Schultz and you get to be Ginger Goatee and something tells me none of us would be happy.

  2. Welcome 🙂

    P.S. The Church “because it is gay marriage’s worst enemy.”? Are they more open to the idea in Saudi Arabia?

  3. fabrizioellul says:

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